Tuesday 28 July 2015

2015 Day 10 - Journey to Atlanta !!

Today was a car day.  Four and a half hour plus journey.

We said a sad goodbye to Carowinds as we left the Charlotte area and headed SW.

I wasn't feeling too good this morning so we set off with the intention of stopping for breakfast en-route.  Stephen wasn't feeling great either so we ended up carrying on til we stopped about an hr short of Atlanta at an Applebees, where we had a couple of appetisers and sides to share.  I will get the food blog updated sometime. Have been taking pictures.

Roads were lovely, quiet, wide and pleasant, til we got to Atlanta were it got really busy.  There were roads and bridges and lanes joining and leaving the interstate everywhere, and as for speed limits, we seemed to be the only ones slow enough to come anywhere near it!  Did breathe a big sigh of relief when we got out the other side.

The hotel was one of Keith's points freebies, Candlewood suites.  These turned out to be one larger than average rooms, with a 2 ring hob, microwave, full size fridge freezer and dishwasher.  Very comfortable.

Although Stephen and I were feeling better, Sarah now had the same symptoms that I had had earlier and took herself off to bed.  To be honest, with the heat etc I was surprised we hadn't felt unwell earlier in the holiday.

The plan had been to go to Six Flags over Georgia this evening to get a start on some of the rides but we decided to scrap that and relax instead.  As well as Sarah feeling unwell I think we all felt 'over coastered' and also felt that we had already seen the best.  SFoG had a lot to do to beat our last 3 parks.

Keith and I went to Walmarts, unfortunately we missed it and went straight passed then got caught in a thunder storm, with the rain coming down soo hard we could hardly see the car in front.  We pulled over into a car park to wait it out before retracing our path.  I do love a good storm, just not when driving!  We grabbed some breakfast goodies at Walmart - croissants, ham, cheese, juice etc and popped them back to the hotel ready for tomorrow, before heading out again to get Domino's Pizza to eat 'back home'!

About 9pm I took Stephen down to the outdoor pool for a swim.  It was lovely and warm and we had it to ourselves.  We spent a nice half hour chatting and swimming before we dripped our way back to our rooms.

Another hot day, mostly sunshine,  but with our first rain!  I'm sure we'll see more of that in Florida. We still haven't got used to the blast of heat and himidity that hits you every time you go outside.  Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Click here for trip index

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