Wednesday 3 October 2018

Day 16 Off to Yosemite

A bit more of a leisurely start this morning, we got up about 8 and headed down for the included breakfast which was excellent.  Back in our room and we packed the suitcases again.  We were just about to take them out to the car but we noticed it was raining hard.  We sat on the balcony for a while until it eased then went to check out.  We saw the Scottish couple from yesterday evening and said goodbye to them.

We needed to do a food shop as we will be in a cabin for the next 3 nights.  I had read online that there was an excellent bakery in Bishop, Erick Schats!  We pulled out of the hotel car park then realised the bakery, and wine shop!  was next door and we could have walked.

2 bottles of wine, then into the bakery. Oh my, what an Aladdin's cave of delicousness!  We selected some breads and cakes, then bumped into the other couple we had chatted to last night also oohhing over the cakes! 😁

Next stop was Vons supermarket towards the end of town where we stocked up on all our other food items.

We also gassed the car up in Bishop altho it was a lot more expensive than elsewhere on our trip and didn't quite fill the tank.

We set of north and decided as it was raining hard and it probably wasn't worth getting to Yosemite early, that we would drive to Mammouth lakes.  It was a lovely ski resort with quite a lot of smallish lakes in beautiful settings.  There was also some fall colours to look at.  We also did a detour to June Lake which was also very picturesque.

The weather looked like it was brightening up so we headed on to Yosemite.  Just before we entered the park we decided to top up the gas again as it wasnt as full as we'd like.  This was even more expensive than earlier at over $4 a gallon (it has been as low as 2.89). Park entry was again covered by our annual pass.  We drove along the mountain road of Tioga Pass which was lovely but the weather was very changeable with some heavy rain so it did somewhat spoil the views.  We did manage to stop at quite a few view points though including tunnel view.  I assume the park was quietish because of the weather.

We reached our cabin in Yosemite West at about 4.45.  It is very homely and has everything we could want. 

We cooked a pizza for dinner and had a bottle of red wine.  It is very quiet in the woods and very dark! 🤣

We are hoping the weather is a bit better tomorrow so we can explore.

Most photos on camera sorry! Also running out of Dropbox space and have been deleting some poor or duplicates to make room for more!

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