Wednesday 19 June 2024

Day 8 Jasper to Emerald Lake - The Icefield Parkway

Today we are heading south on the Icefield Parkway. We wanted to get an early start as we needed to reach the Columbia Icefield for 11.30 for our booked trip into the Athabasca Glacier.

We had grabbed some croissants last night for a speedy breakfast this morning while we packed. We loaded the car and were on our way by 9am.  With a quick stop for fuel we were quickly onto the Icefield Parkway.  I loaded up our audio tour and he was soon telling us of must see places to stop at.  

The first suggestion was at Horseshoe Lake.  This required a short hike through the trees to find a viewpoint. Its calm surface gave some awesome reflections of the mountains and trees. 

Next stop was at Athabasca Falls 

I should also apologise ... we've worked out how to do selfies which seem to be the very thing to do here!! 

And then Sunwapta Falls.  Both of these fall stops were short/easy walks from their car parks to view some pretty impressive waterfalls.

We also stopped at a number of pull offs on the road to admire mountain views.

With time moving on we decided to gather speed and try not to miss our time slot for the Glacier tour. We arrived at the car park at 11.30, quickly changed our trainers for walking boots then climbed a mountain of stairs to book in! We made it! Just! Not like us, I am usually insistent we arrive anywhere with way to much time to spare.

Our tickets were scanned and we got on a bus to take us to the loading area for the ice trucks. Onto the ice trucks and our driver Sam took us down the very steep access path and onto the ice. 

We had 25 minutes to explore the area of glacier that we were allowed to access and take our photos.  Was a great experience even if part of you thinks its probably not the correct thing to do for the good of the environment but it was very informative and there is no better education than seeing things for yourself.

Despite the look from these photos, we weren't really alone in the ice!  

Back on the ice truck and Sam took us back to the loading area where we got on another bus that took us to the glass walkway just up the road. We wouldn't have done this but it was included in the ticket price.  It was OK.

Back to the visitor centre on another bus and we grabbed some expensive Starbucks coffees and headed back to the car, pausing on the way at a picnic table to enjoy a view of the glacier while we drank.

Onwards down the parkway and we continued to stop at view points along the way including Wildfowl Lake.

Our next main stop was at Peyto Lake  This is a famous lake for its stunning blue colour.  The walk to it was very uphill and quite strenuous although paved and easy under foot, with its altitude above 6000 feet it certainly made us puff.  There was also a lot of snow on the ground and it was obvious they had had a reasonable snow fall here within the last few days with piles of melting snow around the car park that they had obviously cleared. The lake when we got there was stunning from the high vantage point and the weather good enough to see down the mountain range.  It's blue colour was very impressive.  There was a lot of good platform areas to enjoy the view which although busy wasn't too bad.

We made our way back down to the car, stopping for a quick loo break in the standard pit toilet!!  

At the end of Parkway we turned off towards the town of Field.  Just beyond the town we found the signs to Emerald Lake.  Tonight we were staying at Emerald Lodge Lake.  We parked in the lodge car park and were lucky that the transfer bus arrived at the exact time we needed it, so we handed over the cases and hopped on board for the short trip to reception.  Our one bedroom accommodation is right on the edge of the lake which captivated us from the moment we saw it.  Our balcony has spectacular views over the lake and up the snow covered mountains opposite.  After a taking some photos and a chance to relax with a cup of tea, we wandered over to the restaurant where we have a reservation.  

From our balcony

Lake and our balcony on right

Front of our apartment on left

We were shown to window table with views over the lake.  We had starters, Keith had cashew cheese brulee with pickled veg which he really enjoyed, I had scallops in a chilli oil.  For main course we both had bison ribeye, again lovely with fresh muxed carrots.  Unfortunately the mash wasn't hot and by the time the bought us hot mash, we had most of our dinner.  We both had lager to drink. 

Free choccies!

We were too full for dessert, so paid the bill and headed back to our lodge.  The lake was very still now and the reflections we amazing so we grabbed cameras and spent some more time taking photos.  Back in the lodge we finished the bottle of wine we'd started in Jasper a couple of evenings ago sat on the balcony until eventually it got a little too chilly.

View from living room at 10.30pm

It has been a fabulous with fabulous scenery. Everytime you think it can't get better, it does.  You think you must be coming to the end of the mountains then another turn and more appear. The Icefield Parkway definitely lives up to its reputation.

Keith step count 13130

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