Wednesday 20 October 2010

Tuesday - SeaWorld

Breakfast this morning was at Perkins, Chloe and Keith had a Perkins Scrambler, Bowl of scrambled egg mixed with breakfast potatoes and bacon, sausage or cheese.  Stew and I had Granny's Veg Omelette, Grandma had pancakes and Sarah and Stephen had Chicken biscuits with hash browns and eggs, Grandad had a mixed breakfast.

We got to Seaworld about 11. 

After a quick photo op with a Shamu and a stroke of a small snake we went on the rollercoaster Kraken, a floorless coaster with a first drop of 144ft (44m) and a top speed of 65mph.  All the kids loved it and re-rode it a bit later.  Next stop was Journey to Atlantis, a log flume type ride with a coaster section at the end.  We all got fairly wet apart from Stewart.  Mum and Dad sat these out but Dad and Stewart did Atlantis while the Keith and the kids redid Kraken.

We made our way over to the whale and dolphin theatre for the 1.30 show.   The shows starts with some dolphin acrobatics and moves on to include some divers and acrobats dressed in colourful clothes to represent parrots. 

Stephen was desparate to do Manta next so off we went.  Again Mum and Dad sat out (just as well really"). This was a really intense ride.  It is a flying coaster where you start the ride lying face down up the lift hill on a Manta shaped train.  It has loads of twists and loops.  Was worried Chloe like it, I could here her in the row behind as we set off saying "I don't like this!" but by the time we got off she was smiling and and they were all asking to go again.

After a second ride we went to join Mum and Dad in the Pets Ahoy show.  They have lots of cats and dogs, plus a rat, skunk and a pig doing lots of different tricks like skipping.

Next we went to the Dolphin feeding area but it was very busy and a bit too expensive so we just had a look and then went into the underwater viewing area..

Next stop was the Manatees (one of my favourites).  Another underwater viewing area was a great place to see the wonderful huge gentle creatures.

It was getting towards 5 now (we wanted to get to the Shamu stadium early as they had announced that the earlier show was completely full!) so we took a quick walk through the puffin and penguin encounter  and another stop to look at the sealions.

Needn't have worried, the Shamu stadium wasn't full.  The show was very good.  We were very glad we didn't sit in the splash zone as those people got absolutely soaked when the whales splashed their tails!!  Enjoyed the show more than I thought having seen it in the past with the trainers in the water, now they are not allowed in with the whales after the accident earlier in the year. 

Park closed at 6 which was just as well as we were all shattered and our feet ached.  Stopped at the shops near the entrance to buy some cuddly toys before heading back to the car.  Might have to squeeze in another quick visit to Seaworld as there were a couple of things we would like to have done and didn't get time today (think we should have got up earlier) like the shark encounter and the wild artic where the polar bears are.

Dinner tonight was at Pizza Hut.  3 enormous pizza between 8 was ample (few slices in a doggy bag ready for breakfast!!!!!)

Kids just gone to bed (10.15) after a swim in the pool.  Early start tomorrow as we are heading toTampa for Busch Gardens - more coasters - yippee!

Hear the weather has turned cold at home - shame!! hee hee.   Weather here is due to get hotter for the next couple of days (85+ feeling like 93+), Ohh err - today was hot and sticky!

Keep the comments coming.  Stephen loves the fact that Josh is following our progress (hope school isn't giving you too much homework Josh!).
Hello to April (Stew says you are reading too!)
Hi to Karen, Adam and Addison
If anyone else is reading - let us know! (don't want to think I'm wasting my time doing this!!)

Love to All


  1. At least 2 more from chlo school are reading so keep up the good work linda! Just like being back at school an having homework!!!!
