Thursday 1 September 2016

Cedar Point day 2

America's Roller coaster capital.  What can I say, we have rattled and soared, climbed and dived through many different roller coasters today.

After a breakfast of crackers, cheese and ham, plus some cheesecake we smothered ourselves with  suncream ready for the forecast scorcher of a day of high 80s.

Hotel guests and pass holders get an extra hour on certain rides so we were at the gate and  ready to go at 8.55.  The first hour the queues were non existent, literally up to the station and on the next ride.  This only changed slightly through the day, most rides were 5 or 10 minutes wait from the station entrance the only exceptions were Valravn, their newest ride, and Maverick which both regularly had wait times of about half an hour.  I had expected to buy fast passes to enable us to ride all the coasters we wanted today but that was totally unnecessary and I'm glad I hadn't pre-ordered.

Stephen had a plan of attack and armed with our funpix photopass we headed for Gatekeeper.  No queue so 3 rides later and we were off to a great start and off to find more coasters, not difficult here as everywhere you look there is track and speeding coaster cars.

Valravn was soon done with a short queue wait and then it was time to face the one we were all a little nervous about, Top Thrill Dragster! 420ft high and 0-120mph in .8 seconds.

What an awesome ride! Loved it. 

Me and a very happy son 5 rows back on TTD
 Video of Hubby (row 6, blue shirt) having his turn!


We took a break mid afternoon, the heat was draining and we headed back to the hotel for a rest.  Having seen how busy the hotel restaurants had been the night before we decided to have lunch in Perkins and maybe a snack later.  Keith and Stephen ordered breakfasts while Sarah and I sandwiches and fries.

Ready for more coasters, we walked the 5 mins back to the hotel park entrance and kept on riding.  No idea how many we did and re-did, but the park closed at 8 and we were shattered.

Another day of coasters tomorrow.

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