Monday 5 September 2016

Canada's Wonderland

Our last day and today we are heading to our last park, Canada's Wonderland.  A quick look at the website told us that they were opening an hour early for pass holders as an end of summer special.  We arrived just after 10, and made our way straight to the parks biggest ride, Leviathan.  Great ride, again very similar to Fury325, although feels like it is cut a bit short, still has plenty of speed when it hits the final breaks, also lacks the intensity.

Next up was Behemoth, which we also managed 2 rides on before the park started to get busy.

Being Labour Day weekend, the park got quite busy and the queues for most rides were around half an hour.  We managed to get everything done that we wanted to.

By half past 4 we were starting to get tired.  We stopped for an ice cream at a Dairy Queen stand and ate while watching a trampoline and diving Stunt show before heading for the park exit.

We stocked up on some drinks and milk for tonight and tomorrow morning, then drove back to the hotel.  Having saved on fast passes we decided to splash out on another meal at The Keg, this time walking distance from the hotel.

Another superb meal, we started with another baked brie and a portion of garlic shrimp then Keith had a blue cheese fillet steak, Sarah had blackened sirloin, Stephen had teriyaki sirloin again, and I had chicken and ribs.  Would highly recommend this chain if anyone is visiting canada.

Back to the hotel to chill in front to of the TV and check in online for our early flight home tomorrow.

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