Wednesday 11 April 2018

NY Day 2 Liberty, Ellis and 911

We were up and awake early, as expected altho we did manage to doze until just after 6.

Breakfast!  We headed towards Penn Station as we knew we were going to have to brave the metro today.  There was a McDonald's at the end of our street which was just too tempting for a quick easy breakfast.  That's it tho, done with the easy McDonald's option, we need to be more adventurous from now on!

Breakfast done we headed into the maze of long tunnels that make up Penn Station.  We should have had breakfast there, there were loads and loads of eating places!  We managed to get a metro card from a ticket machine and headed off to find the right platform.  Was fairly straightforward but think Grandma was a bit freaked out!  It was just before 9 and the station was a sea of people!

The first train was packed like sardines so we waited as we knew another was only 2 minutes behind.  This was much quieter and we even had seats!  We got off at South Ferry, the end of line 1, and resurfaced near Battery Park.  It was a gorgeous morning with clear blue sky.  With little glimpses between the trees and building of our destination we headed into the park to the ferry for Liberty and Ellis Islands.  Through the airport style security and we were straight onto a waiting ferry.  Being early it was quite chilly sitting on the top deck but we just hd to for the views.

We hadn't got tickets to go up the Statue of Liberty but it was fabulous to walk around the island, up close to the Statue and with fabulous views back across to Manhattan.  After a leisurely roam around and a trip to the gift shop we headed back to the ferry for the trip to Ellis Island.

We decided to head for the cafe first and grabbed some teas and muffins.  I had heard good reviews about the audio tour here and they were spot on.  A very interesting hour told the story of the immigration centre superbly.  Very impressed.
Listening to the audio tour

Back on the boat, the weather was warming up altho the sky was not as blue as it had been earlier.  More snacks on our way to the world trade centre site.  Sarah had a big slice of pizza, Chloe had a pretzel and mum and I shared one.

We spent a while taking in the pools and grounds at the 911 memorial before heading into the museum.  A very respectful place that remembers and pays tribute to all those who have suffered or list their lives on that day.  A very thought provoking place. Quite hard to comprehend that you are stood where such a tragedy happened.


Back outside and after a short wander we found the right metro station and were soon on a train back to Penn Station.

We headed back to our hotel where we all just flaked out on our beds with a cup of tea and gave oit legs an hour or so rest to recover before heading out for some dinner.

Ruby Tuesday in Times Square, a favourite chain with Sarah and I proved a success for dinner tonight.  We all loved their fruit lemonade and our dinners were great.  Chloe had a pasta dush (huge), Sarah had steak and shrimp, grandma had steak and I had bourbon salmon.

Feeling rather full we ambled up to Times Square for some shopping and sightsèeing.   A bit later to bed tonight at nearly 11 but exhausted.
Make Up shopping at Sophora

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