Wednesday 11 April 2018

New York Day 1

Our morning started just after 6am after, cup of tea and up and dressed, cases closed and loaded into hubby's car by 7.  I tried to check in online for our United flight yesterday but it wouldn't let me, but no such problems at the checked in machines this morning.  Bags deposited and pretty quiet at security and we were airside by 8.15.  After a quick bacon roll and hot drink we settled down to await our boarding gate.  Time went quite quickly and after a quick town around the shops we were heading to our boarding gate which was as far away as it was possible to get!  Straight onto the plane and we were soon buckled up and ready for our on time departure.

After dropping us at terminal 2 hubby was off to work on the airfield.  We saw him and his colleague on the side of the runway as we taxied for take off.

Plane was good, looked like it had been recently refurbed, chairs were clean and tidy, ife worked brilliantly with fab choice of films to watch.  The Greatest Showman was my choice.  One round of drinks was soon followed by dinner, choice of pasta or chicken risotto.  We all enjoyed our meals, very tasty and looked good too.  Another round of drinks followed before we were left in peace for a while.  A couple of minor areas of turbulence but nothing major.  Unusually this was an all male crew in economy.  One hour before landing we were served a snack, very delicious turkey and cheese pretzel roll.
Only gripe - why oh why do I have to find the most fidgety person to sit behind who reclined the whole flight, banged sndand bashed the seat, threw his arms oved the seat and managed to reset my screen to main menu!
Am now seriously thinking of upgrading our flights in September to L.A.!

Immigration was a bit long winded but once we got to the front of the queue it was fairly straightforward.  By then our bags were amongst the last in the carousel.  We headed for the terminal exit and stopped at a yellow taxi desk where a lady quickly organised a yellow mini van to take us to our hotel.  The traffic was horrendous! Just seemed like a free for all.  Lots of tooting of horns.

Finally at hotel and we started off with a room not suitable for the four of us, bit disappointing but after popping back to reception with a copy of what I'd actually booked (Thank goodness for my folder full of print outs!) We were given a more suitable family room with plenty of individual beds.

A quick sort out of cases and bags, a check in with family at home to let them know we had arrived,  and we headed to Times Square for a walk and to find some food.

OMG. traffic and people.  It was manic!  We were a bit mesmerized by the time we made it to MaDonalds which by then was about all we fancied eating.  We ordered some chicken nuggets and 4 lots of friessizes and 2 drinks, forgot American sizesdrinks, fries and drinks were huge!  The crowds and traffiic had eased by the time we headed out and darkness was starting to fall.  We wandered back looking at  all the tourist tat shops.  I think the girls money has been mentally spent a few times over already on their NY souvenirs!

Back at the hotel and we made a cup of tea before flaking out on the beds with lights out by 9.30.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you'll be having fun in the traffic today then! Glad you got the room sorted easily. Looking forward to reading what you all do on day 2! Have fun xxx
