An early alarm was supposed to get us on the road by 8 this morning, but free hot breakfast at the hotel delayed us a bit - obviously!
We had just over a 2 hr drive to Mason, Ohio. We pulled into the car park for kings island at half past 10. There looked like quite a lot of cars so we quickly made the decision to buy fast passes, we had thought about ordering them from home but decided to wait and see.
The sun was already very warm but pleasantly so. We covered ourselves in sun cream and headed for the rides.
The park entrance is very similar to Kings Dominion, which we visited last summer, with an central fountain area leading towards a replica eiffel Tower.
Invertigo was the first of our coaster today, a suspended Boomerang with seats set facing each other. I'm not great with backwards riding so sat that one out.
Invertigo |
Next up was a drop Tower ride, very exhilarating with a claimed drop speed of 65 mph! We followed this with Banshee. You are not allowed any loose articles on this ride and the park insists on you using the lockers. Having inserted my dollars and chosen my 4 digit code the system decided to freeze. They were obviously having issues as there were members of staff already sorting out problems. Eventually a staff member sorted it on another machine and we went off to ride Banshee.
We also rode The Bat, a hanging ride much like vampire at Thorpe Park used to be years ago, with a hanging car rather than individual seats.

We returned to the lockers to fetch our bags. That's when we ran into trouble! We tapped in the 4 digit code we had selected but it wouldn't open. We were soon approached by a couple of staff members who I think had been looking out for us. It appeared the earlier problems had meant that code we had entered wasn't recognised. So I had to provide details of what was inside and whether I had any photo ID in there. Luckily had my driving licence as I had taken the passports out incase we went on any water rides. They then got an override code unfortunately that didn't work either, and after a couple more attempts they said they would need to get a manager with a key! The others went off to ride Delirium, a swinging disc ride, while I waited at the lockers. Eventually the manager arrived and opened the lockers. Very relieved to see our stuff inside as was worried it might have been opened and reused by someone else! Whilst the locker staff were very apologetic, the manager just shrugged and said "have a nice day!". Ah well at least it was sorted.
The powered mine train, Adventure Express was next, we doubted the extreme rating to start with but soon understood! Fast with some sharp turns. Good fun. The Racer was next, a wooden, racing - obviously - coaster. A nice out and back design meant no violent turns but there was quite a bit of track/car vibration which Stephen didn't like but the rest of us didn't think too bad.
Whilst the others rode Vortex, a corkscrew ride, I got a large drink and some blue ice-cream to share! I had seen someone else order the ice cream and asked the server what flavour , the answer - "oh that's our blue ice-cream" !! Really, I'd never have guessed. I will look it up sometime but we think it had a raspberry flavour.
Back to the coasters, the Backlot Stunt Coaster was next on our route, a launched ride where you sit in a mini. Another tight twisty track, which pauses for a shoot scene featuring a helicopter and flames! A variation on Orlando Backlot tours!
Then we were onto the ride we had been really looking forward to - Diamondback! A B&M hyper coaster similar to Fury325 which we did last year. We do love these rides.
After 2 rides on here we decided that the heat was getting a but too much and we decided to head out and check into our hotel for a break. As we were worried the heat might cause storms later and disrupt later afternoon coaster riding, Keith and Stephen decided to ride a coaster we had missed earlier, Firehawk, whilst Sarah and I headed for the air conditioned shops. A t-shirt, towel and fridge magnets and we were done. We met up with the boys and shared a funnel cake in the shade under some trees near the entrance fountains before heading out to the car.
The heat was really intense now, the car was showing 96°f. The forecast online was 33°c, feels like 43°! No wonder we were struggling.
We found our hotel quickly, just across the road from the parks car park entrance. We had lovely large rooms, 2 doubles in each plus a large sofa and interconnecting doors.
Changed and rested we were back in the park feeling refreshed by half past 5. Rerides on Invertigo, and Banshee followed. Looking at the gathering dark clouds we made our way to Diamondback. Keith and Stephen went for an extra ride and ended up on the last ride of the day as a park announcement told us that due to inclement weather in the local area some rides would be temporarily closed.

Stephen wanted to do The Beast again so we went to see if it was still running. He managed to ride again just as the lightening became visible in the distance. Worried that the park would close all their rides we headed back to Flight of Fear, which luckily was an indoor ride so unaffected by yhe weather. Keith and I sat in the shade to wait while Sarah and Stephen rode but the wind started to pick up and we could feel the rain starting. When they had finished, we headed back to the park exit as the storm hit the park. The boys headed straight for the car, while Sarah and I stopped to get a squashed penny Souvenir, possibly not a great decision, as the heavens opened on our way to the car, we got soaked!
Back to the hotel for another change of clothes and we had to choose between Outback Steakhouse on one side of the hotel or Ruby Tuesday on the other! Hmm decisions, decisions.
Ruby Tuesday won! Great choice, we all thoroughly enjoyed our meals. A sampler platter appetiser, with mozzarella sticks, Thai pancakes, Buffalo wings, and chicken dippers. For mains I had hickory bourbon salmon, Stephen had hickory bourbon chicken, Keith had double decker chicken, we all cleared out plates absolute delicious. Sarah had triple play, a rack of ribs, chicken dippers and crispy coated shrimp - gorgeous but massive - she couldn't eat it all.
We had unlimited flavoured lemonade (mango, strawberry and wild berry) which were replenished frequently. Keith had a 24oz Miller Lite.
The storm had really intensified during the evening with lightening almost constantly lighting up the sky! The American servers seemed quite nervous of the storm!
We walked back to the hotel, full and exhausted headed for bed.
A great day, a long, long way to go, but we all loved it and are really pleased we have been to Kings Island. Loving Cedar Fair parks, 2 more to go this trip!