Sunday 28 August 2016

Darien Lake and the drive West

Our hotel was just behind a Tim Hortons so it seemed rude not to go there for breakfast this morning.  Tim Hortons, we have learned, are on every street corner here and across the border in canada.  But I'm not complaining, we are loving their breakfast wraps and English muffins.

With the car loaded we set of for our first coaster fix of the trip.  Darien lakes is just to the east of buffalo and a half hr drive through small towns and countryside brought us to the park before opening time.  We parked up in an almost deserted car park and purchase tickets.  We hadn't really expect much from this park, it used to be a six flags park, and after our experiences last year had nearly not bothered with visiting.  But so glad we did.  Park was very clean, gardens and borders kept beautifully and staff were friendly.  We didn't have long here as we had a long drive ahead of us later.  When the park opened we quickly made our way to Ride of Steel.  Great start, sat in the back 2 rows, the ride was smooth and exciting, with some good airtime on the return hills.  The wood coaster, Predator, nearby  was still closed  so we headed on round the park.  We rode Blast Off, a 185ft Tower sling shot ride before another coaster, this time Boomerang.  I will check out the stats for so easy of these rides, but despite the fact some of their coasters must be quite old, they all ran well and smoother than expected, including Boomerang.   The initial lift, backwards was very slow but the rest was great, although I couldn't get my over shoulder restraints undone and Stephen had to help Me!

The motocoaster was temporarily down, so Keith, Sarah and Stephen went on the corkscrew "viper".  My head still a bit disorientated from boomerangs backwards ride so I got myself a frozen lemonade (yummy!) and found dead some shade to wait for them.  They claimed thus was probably ably the smoothest corkscrew they had ever ridden!

The motocoaster was once again operating so we went back to Ride it.  The park was still quite quiet, with queues around 20muns.  The motocoaster was fun, a launched motorbike style ride with a launched start on a very small footprint.

More to follow, got to get some sleep.


  1. Nice start, need some pics though...

  2. Sounds like you are having your coaster fix! Also your food fix! Weather seems to be being good to you as well, ours is still hit and miss, hot and sunny one minute and then cloud and rain. Hope your accommodation last night was good and you are waking up well refreshed for another busy day. More wraps and muffins for brekkie or is it going to be pancakes! we are loving reading the blog so hope you will be able to keep it going but as Mike says we do need some pics! love to all xxx

  3. I know, bit of a time issue and hotel WiFi to blame for lack of photos. Early start today for kings island, still 2 hrs Away! Once we get to cedar point tomorrow am hoping for a bit of a breather! Haha!

  4. Mum - u can see the photos on Dropbox- again hotel WiFi isn't very fast at uploading them but they r getting there eventually.

  5. Mum - u can see the photos on Dropbox- again hotel WiFi isn't very fast at uploading them but they r getting there eventually.

  6. I know, bit of a time issue and hotel WiFi to blame for lack of photos. Early start today for kings island, still 2 hrs Away! Once we get to cedar point tomorrow am hoping for a bit of a breather! Haha!
