Thursday 27 September 2018

Day 10 Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park

The clouds have gone today and the forecast is much warmer today with temperatures in the high 80s by the time we reached Zion.

We returned to Rustlers Restaurant for breakfast today.  We were served huge portions!  I had 2 pancakes with fresh strawberries and sauces and Keith had a peach and pecan waffle.  Neither of us finished them. 

We finished packing up again and headed back to Bryce Canyon.  We stopped a little way up the road from where we stayed as we had seen a layby yesterday that seemed to lead into the bottom of Bryce.  It was actually one of the listed walks called mossy cave.  It wasn't too long and it ran alongside a creek and actually led to a small waterfall surrounded by some hoodoos.  It really was a lovely little find.

We next headed back to the main park. This time we took the car in and drove the 18 miles along the ridge to Rainbow Point.  Part of this area was cordoned off as there were fires still smouldering on the hillside.  They were some information boards around showing how the fires had been ablaze for the last couple if weeks and explaining how they let nature take its course and why.

After taking some photos of the view we headed back along the road stopping at a couple of other overlook points including natural bridge.

We have really come to appreciate the beauty of Bryce, it is quite amazing.

We stopped to fill up with gas at the park exit and Keith also decide to put the car through a car wash as it us soo dusty from the various parks we have been to.

The sat nav was set for our next hotel in Springdale, Zion.  We should have checked the sat nav route as I thought we would be arrived at Zions East entrance and driving through to the hotel.  The sat nav thought otherwise and took us on a much longer loop that avoided Zion itself.  Although it took more time it did take us on a scenic highway which was absolutely gorgeous, through the mountains of Dixie Forest where the autumn colours were just starting to show. We stopped a number of times for photo ops before stopping in Cedar City where we found a Subway for a quick lunch.

We carried on, now on 80mph freeways until approaching Zion from the south.  Our hotel for the next 2 nights is a Holiday Inn Express in Springdale.  We signed in and relaxed for half an hr while studying a map of the park and deciding what to do.

Putting on some sunscreen and grabbing the camera we headed out to springdale bus stop 6.  The free shuttle bus turned up a couple of minutes later and we were on our way to the park entrance.  We got off the bus here, walked through the park entrance showing our National Park season ticket and took the free Zion Shuttle Bus to stop 3.

We followed one of the "easy" walks back to the park entrance along the river.  A nice leisurely 30-40 minute walk as the sun was getting lower so it wasn't too hot. 

We caught the bus back to our hotel and showered and changed for dinner.  There were 2 restaurants next to the hotel. Unfortunately one is closed on Wednesday's and the other too expensive!  We walked the half mile up the main street to Porters Steakhouse.  We had to wait about 15 minutes before being seated but the food was very good, I had a burger and Keith had beef brisket.  We were seated near a rear door in the restaurant and at one point the waitress told us there were a couple of deer grazing on the lawn just outside if we wanted to look.  Too good to miss, unfortunately it was quite dark by then so we didn't get a clear view.

We walked slowly back to our hotel, calling in at the local supermarket to get some snacks for tomorrow.

Back in the hotel, we made a cup if tea and I rinsed through some clothes that will hopefully dry while we are out tomorrow!

Another lovely day with lots of gorgeous Utah scenery.

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