Wednesday 26 September 2018

Day 9 Bryce Canyon

We wanted an early start today as we had 190 miles to get to Bryce Canyon.  We had the included breakfast at the hotel before loading the car again.  We had 'gassed up' last night so we were ready to go.  Again the drive was varied with wide barren plains, mountain passes and cut throughs.  It was much greener and there was more farming as we headed Bryce which we haven't really seen anywhere else yet.

We arrived at Bryce about half 11 and popped to the Ruby Inn general store to buy some sandwiches, wraps and coffee for lunch.  We parked up just opposite in the park and ride and used the shuttle buses to get into the park.  The shuttle buses serve an area up to Bryce Point so we decided to start there and work our way back. 

The weather was much cooler today, mid 70s, with some cloud cover which helped with the walking.  You can use the buses to each view point or walk the rim trail.  We decided on the walk.  I am running out of words to describe the fabulous sights we are seeing.  As you walk the rim trail the view of hoodoo' s (the sticking up rocks!) changes with angle and light.  Stunning.  We could also see a small town in the distant beyond the park which we reckoned might be Tropic where we were staying tonight.

We walked to Inspiration Point and then decided to continue to sunset and sunrise points.

Keith ventured down one of the zigzag paths beneath the rim while I stayed at the top. When he returned we sat for a while for him to catch his breath from the steep walk up and were joined by a chipmunk who was after the crumbs from someone's lunch. I did venture a little way under the rim at sunrise point just to say I'd done it!

We caught the shuttle bus back to the car, stopped again at the general store to buy a souvenir magnet (making a little collection as I go!).

We followed the sat nav for the 7 miles to Tropic, it was indeed the place we had seen earlier.  We have a lovely little log cabin, Bryce Country Cabins, with views of Bryce to the front and across the fields, plains and distant mountains to the back, which can be enjoyed from rocking chairs on the porch.

We went to a restaurant just a few yards away from our cabin, Rustlers Restaurant.  We ordered a sampler appetizer of mozzarella sticks, chicken wings and breaded fried green beans.  It was huge!  Also served with fresh hot bread.   For mains Keith had Fkatiron steak and I had trout.  Again both were huge and neither of us got even close to eating it all, including appetizer!  Was all lovely though.

Back at our cabin the moon was just rising so we stood and watched for a few minutes and marvelled at the number of stars visible.  Love having no light pollution even though the moon is too bright for good star gazing.

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