Saturday 29 September 2018

Day 12 Zion to Vegas

I had heard some people last night talking about a must do walk that we had somehow managed to miss yesterday.  So after breakfast, again at the hotel, we packed our cases and headed out.

We were heading to the East rim overlook which meant Keith's favourite zig zag road and through the tunnel again.  There is a very small car park immediately after the tunnel, probably only has a dozen spaces.  Amazingly there was spaces this morning.  We parked up then crossed the road and headed up some stone steps.  It is rated a moderate walk of about 1 mile.  It was very hilly and rocky, certainly not an easy walk but well worth the view at the top.

We could have sat there for hours drinking in the view and watching the cars below.  It was beautiful in the morning sunshine.
the overlook is at the top of that cliff!!

The car journey to Vegas took us about 2 and a half hours.  Then we decided as we were a bit early for checking in that we would drive down the strip rather than the back roads to the hotel.  We got a bit lost first,  but eventually got there and drove from the stratosphere tower down to the Welcome to the Las Vegas sign.  The temperature had also dramatically  as we got to Vegas.

Then we got lost trying to find the right exit to our hotel, only to find there was no self parking only valet parking.  We asked a hotel worker who pointed us to the neighhouring Aria Hotel where we could park.

Getting from there to the Vdara is like a maze, up and down escalators, along corridors, in and out of hotels and on a monorail!  Yes seriously, all of that, took at least 15 mins!  We began wishing we'd paid for valet parking 🤣.

Our room was a huge suite on the 37th floor with a view of the Bellagio Fountains.  The views are amazing. The room has lots of modern touches including electric blackouts and blinds, room service and more all operated from a bedside iPad.  Very swish!

It also has a nice kitchen and dining area, but the cupboards were empty of crockery and cutlery.   You have to phone housekeeping to bring you some.  They brought plates and forks but no cups, but he said he would get some and was quickly back with them.

We decided to go for a wander round town and find something eat.  Our hotel is connected to the Bellagio so we started there.   The Bellagio conservatory has a harvest display unlike any I've seen before and huge.

From there we walked out of the front entrance and down to the street, as it was nearly 'on the hour' we waited for our first fountains display.

Next door to the Bellagio is Ceasar's Palace.  We walked round here for ages in and out of casinos and shopping areas - mainly because we couldn't find a way out! 😂  We did though find a Cheesecake Factory.  A quick check with the desk and there was only a 10-15 minute wait.  Perfect.  Dinner was fab as always at a Cheesecake Factory.  With no room for desert we had cheesecakes to go!

We retraced our steps through the hotel and made it back out to the street.  We crossed over to the other side of the strip and after a quick stop at CVS to get some supplies for breakfast we wandered on and thought we'd have a quick look in the Paris Hotel.  As we wandered though looking at all the  shops etc we got totally disorientated and ended up coming out through Ballys with no idea where we were.  We eventually made it back to the strip and decided to call it a night after a trip back to the car to pick up the camera!

There are a lot of characters wandering round Vegas and lots of girls in very little clothing.  Its a real party town!  We do feel a bit out of place, by 10pm we were ready for a cup of tea and bed!  It's been an eye opener, let's see what tomorrow brings.

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