Saturday 1 August 2015

2015 Day 14 - Swimming, golf, shopping and cheescake

Nice relaxing morning.  Finished hanging out the last of yesterdays washing, then we all went into the pool and had some fun playing with some balls.  There were a few clouds around this morning which seemed to keep the temperature quite comfortable.

We left the villa just after one.  I had driven round the estate last night to get a feel for the car. Although I am on the insurance,  Keith has done all the driving,  he's far more at ease driving here than me.  I only got put on in case of illness etc.

We had decided to try Chick-fil-a, bit like kfc, for lunch, and as we had found a route that didn't involve the main 192, I drove!   No problem, even if it did decide to tip it down!!!

First time here and we all thought it was good.  By the time we had finished eating the rain had passed and we went back to Congo River Golf to play the other 18 holes if crazy golf.  There were hundreds of lizards around the course, presumably out due to the rain storm. Although it was still quite cloudy and not too hot,  it was extemely humid.

 Back in the car,  we cooled off while we drove to one of the outlet malls.  The Lindt shop beckoned. After drooling over the choice of chocolates, we bought a large bag of pick and mix (75 chocolates). We were prepared today and had the coolbox ready and waiting in the car, couldn't buy on our last visit 2 years ago as we had planned to be out all day and they would have melted in the car!
some of my Lindt chocolates - so many flavours to choose from!!
We then went trainer shopping first at the Vineland Outlet then at Premium Outlet.  I ended up with one pair, Sarah had 1 pair and a pair of Vans, and Stephen got a pair.  Keith, who was actually the one looking for trainers ended up with none, but did buy a t-shirt.

We had hoped to do Cheesecake Factory for dinner but by the time we got there they were estimating an hour's wait - I hate waiting for restaurants!  So we got cheesecake to go - well we had the coolbox with us! and went back down onto Idrive to Longhorns. As good as we remember from last visit, gorgeous steaks all round - even Stephen had steak!

Back at the villa,  Stephen and I played pool in the games room.  He won 2 games to 1.

It has become obvious that the boys don't do relaxing, whereas Sarah and I would happily laze round the pool, shop etc, the boys need something to do.  So we have a sort of plan for the next week which will probably now include Seaworld, Busch Gardens and some Go Karting.  Hopefully quiet days won't seem so bad for them now!

Click here for trip index

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