Thursday 6 August 2015

2015 Day 19 - Busch Gardens

Early rise this morning, with ham and cheese croissants made and loaded in the cool box we set of about 8.20 for Busch Gardens, Tampa.

The sun was back with a vengence today, forecast to be 91

We arrived about 9.40, just 10 minutes after park opening.   Unfortunately a sign at the entrance told us that one of the coasters, Cheetah Hunt, wasn't open today :(

We headed instead for Montu and were on the ride in about 10 minutes.  Still one of my favourite rides.
The cheetahs were already hiding from the sun at 10am!
Wanting to get the coasters done before the crowds got too big we went over to Sheikra only to find it was closed and would probably stay that way for an hour or two!  Not going well with coasters then!  Kumba however was running, so after a quick walk to the far end of the park,  the others rode while I tried to find some breeze and shade.   It was getting really hot.

The parks new ride, Falcons Fury, was an hour's wait, so we got some drinks and sat inside in the air conditioning!   Sarah stayed in the cool while the rest of us rode Sand Serpent (a half hr wait).  After meeting up with Sarah we went over to watch the Pets Ahoy show, now in a lovely air conditioned theatre - perfect.

We were really struggling with the heat and queues today,  Keith and I joined a 35 min queue for Falcons Fury but gave up after about 10 mins, met with the kids and walked back through the park, stopping to look at some of the animals on the way - tigers, orangutang etc.

We brought some nectar and fed the lorikeets - one if our must do's - then went to feed the kangaroos but the staff member told us they weren't showing any interest in food so we didn't get any.   Indeed they were all just stretched out in the shade!

With a 45 min wait for Sheikra, we thought about looking at some more animals or gijng on the train ride, but the heat was just too much, so after a quick shop we left the park about half 3 and headed back to Orlando.  The car temp was reading 95°, the car computer was saying 91 feels like 101!!!

Driving through a heavy rain storm,  we decided to have an early dinner at Longhorns.  Not as good as our previous visit, but ok.

We went back to the villa and spent the next hour messing about in the pool before we headed back to the 192 for our last night of Congo River Golf!

Not a bad day but slightly disappointing not to have done more rides, would have been easier if a little cooler, we may have found queue waiting easier, but never mind, I'm sure they'll ge a next time!

Click here for trip index

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