Saturday 1 August 2015

2015 Day 15 - swimming and rain!

Another lazy start today.  A nice long lie in followed by cheesecakes for breakfast! We were too full after dinner last night, although 3 of us did make a start on them late yesterday evening.

Stephen and I spent time playing in the pool and were eventually joined by Keith.  Sarah sat in the shade.

We had planned to go karting after lunch at the villa,  but by the time we left the rain was just starting,  so we thought we'd wait it out by doing some shopping first.

Sarah was looking for another bag so we stopped at the flea market and also went to the large gift shop next door.  The rain was really heavy now and it looked set in for the day.  No Karting then as its outdoors.

Next stop was Jo-Anns, craft shopping for me.  Not what the boys wanted to do but better to do it on a wet day than waste their time on a dry day!

Back at the villa with the rain still hammering down, we spent the rest of the afternoon having a family pool and table football tournament.  Girls v boys.

After a skype chat with Mum we went to Cici's pizza for dinner, then watched some naff american tv before bed.

Click here for trip index 

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