Friday 7 August 2015

2015 Day 20 - Relax!

A lovely lie in this morning, cup of tea in bed,  looking out at the sunshine.  We got up about 9.45 and thought we'd better have a think about what everyone wanted to do before our holiday ends.  Before Sarah could join us Stephen said he fancied going to Ponderosa for breakfast.  Great idea!  So we quickly got ready and drove to the 192 for our nearest one.  Being a bit late, the restaurant was quiet and we had soon filled up on eggs - bendict and scrambled, bacon, sausage, pancakes, hash browns, jello, cakes, cookies ... sorry Dad are we making you hungry? ;)

Having discussed over breakfast what each of us wanted to do, we drove back to the villa and left the boys to play some pool and relax in pool!  I drove (oohh! first time driving on my own!) back to the 192 to Walmart and Target for some girly retail therapy.   We didn't actually spend much,  Sarah got some pj's ready for uni, we went 'home' and joined the boys for a swim.  It was another very hot day, mid 90s feeling over 100.

Not one to leave his sister in peace for long !
No reaction?? - time for Sharkman !


After their Karting the other day we had promised Stephen another go when it was dry in the bigger karts.  So we spent an hour or so back at the kart track.

The circuit was quite busy but they loved it.  We watched some people feeding the alligators and then went to the shopping mall as Keith was thinking 1 pair of trainers wasn't enough.

Loaded with more trainers, we collected the kids from the cafe where we had left them having some drinks and went in search of dinner.  We had passed a place called Hurricane Grill and Wings which looked ok.

Inside was large and airy with a beachy theme.  We all ordered wings, Stephen and I have 10 boneless, Keith and Sarah had 10 large boned wings.  There were soo many differrnt flavours/sauces to choose from and each meal could have 2 flavours (ours included hot teriyaki,  medium buffalo, ginger and soy, honey barbecue and normal teriyaki.  Loads of food and very nice altho Stephen's hot teriyaki was a bit too spicy - would stick to milder sauces if we did it again.  Meals were large and we all struggled to finish.

We dropped the kids back home and Keith and I went shopping, he fancied a mooch round Target, I wanted Michaels craft shop and I thought he might like a look round Best Buy.  All 3 were at Posner Park on the I4/US27 junction.  Best Buy, it turned out, was a bit like Currys, but quite interesting to see the differences especially in kitchen and laundry appliances to the UK.

Back at the villa, Stephen and I sat by the pool, internetting, it was still really warm, and listening to the frog chorus.  Keith and Sarah watched some tv.

Click here for trip index 

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds really brilliant - nice to have a proper base after the first week or so.
