Wednesday 5 August 2015

2015 Day 17 - Seaworld

Early start this morning as the plan was to get to Seaworld just before opening at 9am.  The sky was still very grey and it was starting to rain lightly when we pulled into the car park about 10 to 9.

We made our way to the almost empty ticket booths and brought '2 park' tickets for Seaworld and Busch Gardens Tampa.

The rain was getting worse and we seemed to be the only ones without rain ponchos.   We had seen them testing Manta but quickly walked that way, unfortunately the rain was too heavy and they weren't running the ride.
Sarah after braving the rain to fetch a park map!!
We decided to try a bit later,  and hope the rain eased.   We braved the rain and headed to Turtle Trek, a 3d, 360° film about a turtle's life. Not one we had seen before and I love looking at the Manatees which are in the same area.
When we came out the rain had almost stopped and Keith, Sarah and Stephen all went on Manta while I had a look at the Manta Aquarium.

The rain was starting again, and Manta closed so went instead to watch the Dolphin Show. We also walked through the tunnels of Shark Encounter, and did the underwater dolphin viewing.  The weather was obviously keeping the crowds away as Wild Artic, a simulator ride to the Artic, was walk-on and it was quiet in with the belugas and walruses.

The Shamu Show was due to start so we made our way into the stadium.   I do love the shows at Seaworld!

We wandered back across the park, the rain had finally stopped but it was still cloudy.  Not too much of a problem as it meant the temperature was low and much more comfortable than other days we had spent at parks.

We watched the sealions being fed then it was time for Clyde and Seamore, the sealion show,  very corny but great fun.  New story/theme this year, High School.  They have also lost the mime artist pre show, but there was a comedian instead, funny but not as good as the mimes!

Manta was now running again and displaying a 30 minute wait.  The others joined the queue and I sat to watch/wait!  I noticed the display change to 20 mins so decided to go and look at the Rays in a pool nearby.  I returned in time to see the rest of the family riding up Mantas lift hill.  When they came off they'd actually had 2 rides as there was no queue!

As the park was quiet we also did Penguin Encounter, it was 30 minute wait but it wasn't too bad. This is a great recent addition to the park, a fun little ride, shame its not a bit longer, that ends in the new penguin enclosure, a bit chilly but very enjoyable.

The lesser know "Keith Penguin" :)

We thought about doing another show but as we had been there nearly 6 hours, and plan to return on Friday, we decided to grab a quick snack at the bakery and do a quick bit of shopping in the souvenir shops before heading back to the car.

After a brief stop at one of the shopping malls to get Keith a pair of trainers,  we went back to the villa for an afternoon swim.

Bahama Breeze was the restaurant of choice for tonight.  As we had decided to try the one on I-drive we went to play Congo River Golf at the I-drive location too.  It was quite busy and it was gone 10pm when we finished.

Click here for trip index

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