Monday 3 August 2015

2015 Day 16 - Spiders and more rain!

A very grey start this morning altho not actually raining to start with. We were up late this morning and set off about 11 hoping to do some karting before a visit to Wekiwa State Park, but unfortunately the karting place didn't open til 12 so we headed off to the state park just north of Orlando city.

By the time we got near the rain was starting.  We stopped for a Jimmy Johns sub, late breakfast/early lunch.  Although it was damp when we got to the park, I was surprised to see quite a few cars in the car park and people heading for the river in swim wear.  We walked through a picnic area and down to the natural spring river, where people were hiring out kayaks amd canoes.

The rain and eased, and we watched the kayakers for a while then went to the swimmers area.  The water was lovely and clear.  We spent an hour or so wandering some nature trails. Sarah was definitely not keen on the large spiders we kept finding.  Although the temperature this morning was only in the low 70s the humidty was above 90% making it very uncomfortable.  Apart from the spiders and a few lizards we didn't see any other wildlife.


following the walking trail through the woods
As we headed back to the car park the rain started again.  And then it rained and rained til about 6 o'clock.   We drove back to I-drive, stopped ay Denny's for milkshakes hoping that the rain would stop so we could play golf.  Not to be, so we went trainer shopping again!

Finally the rain eased so we went back to the karting place. Although the track was too wet for the large karts, Keith and Stephen had fun in the medium ones on a damp track.

Where's Dad?  Oh behind me!! ha ha

A quick stop at Publix then back at the villa we relaxed for an hour before going out gor dinner.   Keith wasn't feeling hungry, and then Stephen said he wasn't either.  Sarah and I both wanted to visit a fish restaurant so it seemed like a good opportunity.   The boys dropped us at Red Lobster before going to get an Arbys burger takeaway for themselves.

We had a lovely hour or so at Red Lobster, the restaurant was quite quiet and we both had combo meals - Sarah with breaded fish - shrimp, white fish and clams,  while mine was grilled lobster, shrimp and clams.  We did do a lot of sharing.

Another very competitive pool competition took place before bedtime!

Click here for trip index

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