Saturday 8 August 2015

2015 Day 21 - Seaworld

A return visit to Seaworld today meant another early start as we wanted to be there close to park opening at 9am.

We grabbed some ham and cheese rolls, from supplies we'd picked up at Target last night and were soon on our way and made it to the parking lot by 9.15.

Our main aim today was to ride the coaster Kraken as it was closed when we went on Monday, and it is one of Stephen's favourite rides.  As it wasn't due to open til 10, the others went on Manta first while I went for drinks in the refillable mugs we'd got from Busch Gardens.  By the time I got back they had just finished their ride so we walked in over towards Kraken to wait for it opening.

We were on quite quickly and Stephen was happy!

We hadn't managed to do the Pets Ahoy show on Monday so this was a must today.  The air was really warm and humid today (read very sweaty!) so it was nice to be indoors for a while.   Same show as the last couple of visits but still enjoyable.

When we came back out it was cloudy and we soon found out the coasters were closed due to inclement weather!  To pass the time we walked through the aquarium near Manra with the rays and seahorses.

With the weather clearing again the boys decided to wait for the rides to reopen while Sarah and I choose to watch the Shamu show.  Because quite a lot of attractions were shut because of the weather the show was quite busy but we got a good spot over to the left side of the pool and really enjoyed the show.

Sloth - want one :)
We met this gorgeous sloth as we left the Shamu stadium.  By the time we got back to the boys they had ridden Kraken 3 more times!  We were going to do Journey to Atlantis, but with an 80 minute queue time that wasn't happening!  We went to the ray pool for a look before deciding to head home.  It was nearly 2 o'clock and by the looks of the sky a larger storm was brewing.  We had only been back in the car for 5 minutes before the rain, thunder and lightning started.  Good timing!

Driving back past the Lake Buena Vista Outlets I decided I needed a 2nd pair of trainers so we stopped quickly while I went and got some.  Back down on the 192 we thought we'd try Wendy's for lunch.  Good for fast food, similar to burger king/kfc.

The storm was now easing so we went back to the villa to spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing by the pool and having a swim.

We spent some time trying to decide which restaurants to go to for our last 2 nights,  Keith found a Ruby Tuesday, bit off the main tourist track, but an excellent choice.  Superb food and not busy,  may end up back there tomorrow!

Keith was obviously missing his regular fix of B&Q and the Home Depot across from the restaurant was calling him!!  Stephen sat in the car - not interested but the rest of us went for a wander.  Looked just like B&Q.

A nice relaxing day finished off blogging and reading under the lanai, lovely warm evening.

Click here for trip index

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