Sunday 25 August 2013

Day 11 Shopping and swimming

Oh no, our days are running out - not happy.

Leisurely start this morning. Left the villa about 9.30 for buffet breakfast at Shoney's.  Food was lovely, good choice and nice and fresh.

No parks or activities planned today so off for some shopping.  Sarah wanted to look for clothes at target or walmart so we headed to a target the other end of 192 kissimmee. Thought we woild play some more golf too.  Shopping not successful,  didn't have anything she was looking for.  Golf was off too as the kids decided it was too hot now.  Headed instead to Downtown Disney as I wanted to do some disney shopping.  Stopped off first at an outlet centre when we saw nike and reebok advertised.  Nike were running a zumba class in store and the boys weren't keen on going in! We did have a quick look at trainers but left empty handed.  I got a couple of pairs of trainers from another shop, and we managed to get Stephen and Keith a pair each from **.  Also while here we founf a Lindt shop. Omg sooo many different flavours. Wanted them all but they would have melted in the car :(
soo many different flavoured lindt chocolates!

With the sky darkening it was on to Disney.   Managed to get into the shops just as the heavens opened.  Got a couple of baby things for my friend's new baby girl, but the boys got bored so went back to the car while Sarah and I carried on shopping and spending!

Boys had got drenched goinb back to the car and were grumpy!  We wanted one more stop at the new flea market on 192.  Sarah tried on loads of dresses but didn't find one she wanted and ended up with a tshirt.  With grumpy boys we headed back to the villa to swim.

Stephen had bought some balls to play in the pool with so we had some fun swimming in the rain!  Got out tho when the thunder got closer.

Keith and I had a trip to publix and then later got a takeaway pizza from the local pizza restaurant for dinner.

Another swim for me and the kids while keith watched Nascar.

Nice relaxed day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear boys don't get grumpy, holiday will soon be over then you will be back here, then you can be grumpy!! You seem to be having lots of different weather patterns than we had before, all this rain and thunderstorms, have to be October again next time! Shame Sarah didn't manage to find any dresses but she can save her money and spend it back home. I assume everything was alright with Issy, Sarah couldn't get hold of her on Thursday, did her exams go o.k? Love to you all xx
