Wednesday 21 August 2013

Day 6 Universal Studios

Up early this morning.  We have booked a room at Universal's Royal Pacific Resort for tonight to make use of the included Fast Passes and early entry to certain rides.

Journey takes around 50mins-1hr.  We arrived just after 8am, and went to the hotel to park the car and check in.  Our room was already cleaned and waiting so we quickly went along, but left the case in the car for later.  Had a ground floor room at the far end of a corridor.  Nothing spectacular but then we only needed somewhere to sleep!  Not wanting to waste any more time (normal park opening is 9am and we could go in from 8) we set off for Universal Studios.  After getting a bit lost around the hotel grounds we eventually found the boat to take us to the parks.  A 5 min ride and we were at the gates (slight panic from me as I had preordered the photo connect (bit like disney photopass) and I had now left the piece of paper with the barcode on it in the hotel room.  Quick chat with the photo shop and I can get a number for any pics and get them added to the card later!

Ok, with that sorted we set off for rides - Despicable Me was first - a fab attraction and ride (where the old Hannah Barbera was and similar design).  A 3d ride with a great story line featuring all the characters.  Really enjoyed this.  Next up, another new addition to the park - Transformers the ride 3d.  Very similar to Spiderman at Islands of Adventure and equally good.  The park, and all the other rides, were now open so we were onto our fast passes. 
We went into The Mummy with a very nervous Stephen.  I think he did the whole ride with his eyes closed and was shaking when it finished.  The rest of us  loved it.

Rip, Ride Rocket, a coaster with music you select to listen to whilst riding was next.  This was here last time but was closed on the day we visited.  It has a vertical lift hill, not my favourite but it was quick so over in no time, then a fast twisty ride with your chosen music playing just for you.

We stopped with some drinks to watch the Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue, then joined the fastpass waiting area for Disaster - the one with the where it says - and we are ... moving on! and where you take a ride in the subway train.

Moving on round the park we passed the area that used to be Jaws but next year will be a new Harry Potter area.  Next stop was Men in Black - Sarah and I were looking forward to this, we had been reading up on the internet on how to get the extra bonus and points - cheating maybe but we wanted to beat the boys!  Didn't quite go to plan tho - Sarah got a great score and came first, but I missed the big bonus and didn't do so well :(

We also did Animal Actors, The Simpsons, ET, Shrek and Terminator (unfortunately this show broke down half way through) before getting the boat back to the hotel for a couple of hours rest before going back for the evening.

The fast passes have been very good, especially this afternoon as the park got busy (saved 45-60 mins off some rides) but also as all the fast pass queue lines are indoors so great for getting out of the sun, and boy is it hot again!  The sun is relentless during the day, makes your skin feel like its sizzling if you stand in direct sun!  We spent most of the day going from shop to attraction, anything as long as it was inside!

After a rest and drink we headed back to the parks about half 5.  We stopped at Bubba Gumps restaurant to see if we could book for later (have always wanted to eat here) but as they wouldn't take a booking we decided to eat then.  Food was OK, just not worth the money they charge.  Won't be doing it again.

Off to the park, with the photo papers this time, we stopped to get the days photos added.  Then it was time for some re-rides, we did Despicable Me, Transformers and Rip Ride Rocket.  Keith was feeling a bit rubbish, overtired and sneezing lots, so he took himself back off to the hotel but Sarah, Stephen and I decided to stay and watch the cinematic show and fireworks.  We got some drinks and found somewhere to sit (about 20mins wait).  Enjoyed the show, celebrating 100 years of films, projected onto waterfalls in the middle of the lake with fireworks.

After the show we walked back to the hotel as the queues for the boats were quite long (only 10-15 mins).  Had a quick drink before bed (coffee - forgot the americans don't do hot tea!!).

Good day, bit long 6.15am-10pm, very hot, very exhausting but got lots of stuff done.  First time we have seen long queues for this holiday but easy to get things done with the fast passes.


  1. Lots of good photos, memories of beetle juice and the animal shows. Pity the weather is quite so hot but at least you can go back to the villa now and use the pool! Shame Babba gumps didn't live up to expectations but no the Cheesecake factory will! Hope you enjoy and also hope Keith is feeling better xx

  2. FOTL passes sound brilliant. Well worth the hotel for a night.
