Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 8 - Rest day and Cheesecake Factory

Lovely lie in this morning.  Stephen and I surface about 8.30, so I made a cup of tea and took it out to the pool area along with my laptop to sort out two days of blogging!

Sun was out and already feeling hot.  Thank goodness the pool is in shade in the early mornings.

Stephen had a swim - again.  Just after 10 Keith and I went to Publix to get some breakfast - croissants and muffins.  We sat indoors, so much more comfortable temperature wise, and had an easy morning.  I caught up on some clothes washing before we all got in the pool.

We finally left the villa about 4.30 and headed for the Premium Outlet mall.  Hurray, the carparks were a bit quieter.  Parked in the multistory and headed for Nike, Addidas and Reebok.  Bit disappointed Nike don't seem to have the shoes Keith wanted this time.  He and Sarah bought a pair each in Reebok, and Keith also got a t-shirt.  Into Addidas and he got more shirts!  On the way back to the car we passed a drinks machine that sold Fanta Pineapple - not seen that one before but there is now one in our fridge to try tomorrow.  I do love that the Americans seem to have soo many different flavours of  "soda" than we do.

Off to the Cheesecake Factory.  Had an our to wait til we could get a table, so armed with our pager we wandered around the mall for a while, then waited outside to be called.  Food was excellent - and huge!  We only had main course and none of us finished.  Cheesecake to go - four slices now sat in fridge!

Despite the heat again today we have had quite a bit of rain - 3 storms, one straight after breakfast this morning, one before we went shopping and one on the way home this evening.  The weather is definately wetter in August than it is in October but there is still plenty of sunshine and it hasn't interferred with us doing anything - yet!!
Off to Busch Gardens tomorrow then onto the coast overnight.

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