Sunday 18 August 2013

Day 4 - Kennedy Space Centre

Breakfast in the car again this morning.  Left the villa about 8.45 for the trip to Kennedy Space Centre.  Drive was good and easy, although the route we took had about 4 tolls on it.  Arrived just after 10.  Weather today is ... yep - hot and humid!  90 by the time we reached Kennedy.
After exchanging our vouchers for tickets we went straight to the bus for the tour.  The tour took us out to the gantry overlooking a couple of launch site, one still as it was for the shuttles and the other undergoing refurb for the future replacement shuttles due from 2017. 

From there another bus took us to view the saturn rocket (used to be outside but now housed in a large building with other exhibits.

Another bus then took us back to the main centre, via the vehicle assembly building.  

Back at the main centre we watched a 3d imax film about the International Space Station.  This was very good and really interesting.  There was another film but we didn't get time to do that one.  The main reason for me wanting to visit was to see the new Atlantis Exhibit.  This starts with a couple of film shows and dramatically ends with the appearance behind the screen of the actual Atlantis Space shuttle that you can then walk around when the screen lifts. 

Keith and Sarah also went on the Space ride (similar in design to Mission Space at Epcot, but Stephen didn't fancy it and I don't do spin rides!!  There were plenty of associated exhibits to look at in this area, along with a hands on area where you can have a go at landing the shuttle - hmmm I definately wasn't good at that - I crashed 3 times before I finally gave up! 

We got a couple of portions of chicken sliders (goujons!) and fries and some drinks in the space cafe.  Had to wait a while for fresh fries but surprising nice and plenty of it for 4 of us to share for a mid afternoon/lunch snack. 

By now it was about 4.30 so we had a quick look in the Angry Birds building but this was just lots of electronic games and we weren't really bothered by it.  We headed back to the car for the drive back to Kissimmee.

The sky was getting dark with storm clouds and there was alot of lightening in the distance.  We got to Kissimmee about 6.40 and went to Old Town as we wanted to see the Car Cruise.  There weren't as many cars there as I had thought there would be but Keith found it quite interesting.

We headed back to the villa area once we were done and had dinner at Applebees.  Again a new restaurant for us but very nice, better quality food than I had expected.  (Food blog not going well as I keep forgetting to take the photos, but I will list what we had!)

It has been a long day today, not been doing days like this this holiday.  Got back to the villa about 10.30 and went straight to bed.  No pool time today, but will make up for it tomorrow.  Rest day planned.


  1. Space centre looks rather different to when we first went! Not surprised you and Stephen didn't fancy the ride, was a bit hair raising at Disney. Take it we never trust you with a shuttle landing then!! Glad to see you are getting enough to eat, just need lots of swimming to get some exercise haha! Love to you all xxxx

  2. I was hoping we were sweating it off, its too hot for much exercise. X
