Thursday 15 August 2013

Travel Day

Early start today.  Up at 4am, closed the cases, up and dressed and out to the car for 5.15.  We were met and Heathrow by a Meet and Greet Service which was lovely and stress free.  I was a bit worried about checking in as I had been unable to complete online check in yesterday but all went smoothly.  Delta were asking for volunteers to be bumped to another flight.  We did offer to go on the list but in the end didn't get called to change, so flights went as planned.  We grabbed some bacon rolls at one of the cafes in the departure area before our flight was called.
Our plane waiting for us to board!
Have only done indirect once, many years ago, just the 2 of us, when we flew to Ohio, but I needn't have worried the flights and connection Atlanta were great.  Food was OK, breakfast of Scrambled Eggs, mushrooms, hash browns, followed by some fruit (watermelon, grapes and orange slices), bread roll, cheese and crackers, choccy biscuits. Snacks of peanuts and pretzels, then cheese and tomato panini, with chocolate icecream just before we landed.  Soft drinks were also regularly offered.  Inflight Entertainment was excellent with lots of choice of films, music and tv programs to watch on the transatlantic leg, then a quick 1 hr flight down to Orlando.
Arrived on time, grabbed bags and headed to Hertz for our booked car.  Had booked a 7 seater and Keith had been hoping for a Dodge or Chrysler, but we ended up with a Kia Sedona.  He was a bit disappointed but actually its quite a nice car, responsive to drive, just lacks all the electric extras that he likes - remoting locking, boot etc.  It will just make him appreciate his own car more when we get home!
We were getting pretty tired by now, so after a quick stop at Publix supermarket to grab some hot chicken, bread and essentials - tea, milk, oj and apple juice we got to the villa about 9pm local time (2am uk time) which made a travel day of 22 hrs! 
Villa is lovely, clean and well equipped.  Will explore more tomorrow in day light.
Stephen and I had a quick swim then it was off to bed by 10.30.
Despite the tiredness it was a good travel day, and delta exceeded expectations.
(Sorry no pics today - to difficult to keep getting camera out! )

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