Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 7 Islands of Adventure

All ready for another day in the parks - Islands of Adventure this time.  As resort guest the Harry Potter Ride - Forbidden Journey and the HP area opens at 8am (1hr early than general admission).  We walk to the park and get there about 8.20 and head straight through to join a queue already 30 mins long.  It actually takes nearer to 50 mins.  Already very warm this morning.  Very clever ride but once will have to do as the queue when we get out is approx 75 mins.

We head instead for Dragon Challenge (used to be Dualling Dragons) and ride both sides of the track (Chinese Fireball and Hungarian Horntail, altho they will always be fire and ice to me!).  This is still a very smooth ride.

Next stop was breakfast - not easy in a theme park so we ended up in Jurassic Park with Sarah and I sharing Chicken strips and fries, and Keith and Stephen shared a Burger and fries.  Off for more rides - Spiderman, Dr Doom (Sarah doesn;t like drop rides so sat this one out!), The Hulk. 

We grabbed some cold drinks and some crisps before sitting to watch the Sinbad show.  Nice to get out of the sun for a while!  From here we went straight to Poseiden's Fury.  We waited about 20 mins for this but at least we were inside in the cool.  The ending of this show always amazes me - very clever, but won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't done it!

The park was very hot now and Sarah, Stephen and I decided to go on Jurassic Park to get a bit of water!! Oh dear, we were offered front row - perhaps not the best choice but we certainly found some water! Loads of it! we were soaked!  Kids decided to carry on with the wet theme and joined the queue for Dudle Do Right's Ripsaw falls (log flume type ride), but after joining there was a delay because of a fault so they decided not to wait. 

We felt we had done most of what we wanted to here so with a quick reride of Spiderman we left the park and headed back to the Studios.  We were hoping to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner so wanted to waste another hour or so before we left for that.

Back in the Studios we did Despicable Me again, this has become one of our favourites, Men in Black - we had let Stephen in on our secret for scoring big, unfortunately he didn't get the big bonus!  We also did The Mummy again.  By now it was 5pm and the sun was still blazing and we were all pretty shattered.  Keith also had been suffering all day with sinus and cold symptons, so after checking all our photos had been added to the card correctly we caught the boat back to the hotel to get the car.

A decision was made to miss the Cheesecake Factory today, we were all so hot, sweaty and tired we felt we wouldn't enjoy it.  We headed back to the villa for a shower and change and went instead to Perkins.

We have had a great couple of days and wouldn't have got so much done without the fast passes.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love Spiderman! I just worry about all the 3d stuff for Connor - Only having 1 eye that works, he will kinda miss the point!
