Friday 23 August 2013

Day 9 Exam results and Busch Gardens

Woo hoo, Sarah got her Gcse results this morning. Thank you grandma for collecting them for her.

Just a quick update on today. Will do full report and photos later.

Spent the day at Busch Gardens. Did a fantastic tour this morning, feeding the giraffes. Absolutely brilliant.

We r spending the night at clearwater beach so we can visit the beach area tomorrow.  not done this before with the kids. Was also hoping to watch a lovely sunset but the weather is awful.  Thunder, lightning and torrential rain! Oh well, hopefully by morning the sun will be shining again.

On the up side, omg, we have 2 suites! Booked 2 standard rooms free with keith's points that he has accumulated from work nights away. But we now have 4 bathrooms between us!

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